Kimberly (kimberlyg)

The twin flame journey is perhaps one of the most difficult things in our journey that any of us will experience. The twin is a mirror. Mirroring back to us whatever it is that we put forth. The twin flame connection literally brings all things to the surface. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the love and the ugly. All of it. It allows us to cleanse but it is the most intense cleansing that could occur and many times we are not consciously aware of what is happening. For that matter, it can be very hard to stay conscious when we are in the presence of our twin. The energy is intoxicating and for some scary.

One will always run or at least attempt to and one will work to embrace the healing that is happening. This leave the twin that is embracing lost, feeling insecure, feeling neglected. There is a tendency of one twin to cling while the other pushes away. It’s hard to get balance. Sometimes it’s hard to breathe.

Have you experienced or are you experiencing such a relationship? Don’t worry, there are answers. There is a way to deal with this. You were meant to or you would not be in the thrusts of it. Even if you have had a break up, be assured, that the twin will always find their way back. It is one of those unusual things in that the universe does. It is an agreement that you both made long before coming here.

I can help you to find your way through the twin flame experience. It’s something I have intimate knowledge of. Call me and allow me to help you through to love.



over 10 years ago