Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Do you do charity work that gets press? I do often, but did not notice any topics to reflect this. For the 4th year in a row I have been involved with Myrtle Beach Zombie Walk. This year we more than doubled the number of participants and raised over $2300.00 for our local Autism Advocate foundation. ++++++++

Thursday, Apr. 14, 2011 Back from the Dead The Zombification of Pop Culture By Christina Knauss – For Weekly Surge

Priestess Kandi Ranson, vice-president of Kluckin Films, a Myrtle Beach-based small video production company that specializes in horror films, is in charge of the Zombie Response Team.

She thinks zombies are getting their day in the limelight because more fantasy and horror themes are simply present in mainstream films. The rise in popularity of Cosplay, a portmanteau of “costume play,” the practice of dressing up in public as favorite characters, especially from manga and anime, also may lead more people to events like Zombie Walks, she said.

“It is a time for all the free-spirited who love to have fun while giving back to the community to come together and just do that,” Ranson said. “Since this is the fourth one, it’s going to be like a reunion for many of us.”

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over 13 years ago

empty (jennifer.g)

Congrats Kandi on a job well done! Volunteering is big for me as well, as I am involved with minor hockey, cancer society and our children’s hospital…and I used to work with the Bereaved Families doing Angel Communication workshops and Spiritual counseling! :) Jennifer

over 13 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

I have to admit that I do so many things for nothing that its a wonder that I have anything at all! LOL

Any way, I would like to announce that I have changed the video on my profile to show Kluckin Films first Public Service Announcement “Crack Kills” which I am co-star in.

I agreed to do it, under direction, even though I had no idea how to act like the character I was asked to play. I was not paid and am proud to announce that this video has been used on a few Drug awareness and Crack Awareness sites

over 12 years ago

Kethrine Douglas (douglas22)

Good job…! Extremely great work.

over 12 years ago