Chrisalis (chrisalis)


CANCER Life should be more on an even keel for you this month as Jupiter turns direct in your sign on the 7th and hopefully sweeps a bit of luck your way which is a pleasant surprise after the last few months of Venus travelling through your relationship area… which may have been good or bad for you but certainly not boring. Those of you born in the middle of Cancer will feel the effects of Jupiter just now moreso than others and you will also be feeling the effects of Uranus squaring Jupiter which means you need to be vigilant in making any sudden changes… especially changes that are not thoroughly thought through. The moon in your relationship area on the 25th/26th may be giving you reason to rethink what you actually want and need just now as the effects of Mars retrograde trigger off feelings of frustration and a need to act. This is a month where your thoughts, feelings and actions may not be totally in alignment and the best you can do with it is observe yourself and others around you in an effort to clearly see what you need to do next. If all else fails… remember you still have Jupiter on your side. Moon in Cancer March 10, 11

LEO Mercury is in your relationship area till the 19th giving you a good month for romance because on top of this Venus also moves into your love area on the 7th which makes March a month of love and relationships for you. Sounds like a lot of fun doesn’t it… I know Leo likes fun! With Jupiter turning direct in an area of your chart on the 6th that will give you a better view of what is really going on around you there doesn’t seem much that can go wrong for you this month. If anything, all that you really need to watch out for is Mars in your area of communication. Mars is spending a prolonged time in this area of your chart and after the 2nd it is retrograde. This means you may not want to go rushing into any talks or discussions without knowing all the facts because something could blow up for you that you are not expecting. Try to keep the peace with siblings and neighbours and put your energy into the best thing you have going for you this month…. your love life. Moon in Leo March 12, 13, 14

VIRGO The full moon lights up your sign on the 16th just before Mercury moves back into your area of love and relationships. I say “moves back” as Mercury has been retrograde and whilst it turned direct last month it doesn’t come fully out of its shadow period until 22nd where it continues through your relationship area. For this reason it may be best if you wait to right any wrongs that have happened communication wise for you until after the 22nd when you are out of the woods. Mars turns retrograde in your area of security this month after the 2nd and as Mars is spending an extended stay in this part of your chart and will continue to do so over the next few months you may find your thoughts turning to what makes you feel secure. It may be money, the finer things in life, your bank balance, your job but whatever it is you need to keep an eye that nothing and no one upset this balance for you as Mars has a habit of blowing things apart… you could also use this time to gather your energy and resources and wait till the time is right to put into motion that which would have you feeling secure. Moon in Virgo March 15, 16, 17

LIBRA As the masculine energy of Mars continues to travel through your sign, as it has been since December, you may wish to brace yourself for a change coming in that energy. Mars turns retrograde on the 2nd and will continue this backward movement until 21st May. What does this mean for you? Well for one you may find yourself needing to practice a bit of patience and surrendering yourself to that which you have no control over. You may also find that any frustrations you are experiencing need to be viewed with a new outlook which is not a bad thing if you are in need of some zen moments. On the other hand the last few months may have tested your patience sorely and as the next few months take on a new hue you may wish to keep in mind to accept what you cannot change, don’t go forcing too hard what you can change and that wisdom may go straight out the door in a situation that goads your temper and requires patience. Moon in Libra March 18, 19

over 10 years ago