Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Often we meet people that cast judgments on our life. Often people have ill-intentions, ill-feelings towards us. It can be our friends, family, co-workers, strangers across the globe.

While the attacks may come on our character, or even voice, we have to understand our self worth is not dependent on another human being.

In another month I will have my first novel out. I have questioned myself whether I’m ready for negative critics. I know that even in this job you have critics.

Often people hope we will fail, even fall and stumble in our success. Others will try to be a road block in our lives. I understand it will be facing many critics that may agree or disagree with my position in life or even my perspective.

Judgments will come on me, but I have already learned in life multiple times people play their part to be obstacles in my life and way of success. What they say or do isn’t as important as having self confidence, and self respect. Knowing I can become a better person every day.

What we forget is we are in the driver’s seat of our life. No one else is, therefore no matter how many obstalces our in our way, you move through them, over them, around them, and under them.

Most people expect us to give up, quit, and throw in the towel just because some obstacle is there in the moment. We are destined for a beautiful future, and why give someone else the power to steal our blessings from our life.

Why get discouraged because someone has their opinion or point of view about us. Other people believe they have the power to take something from us, but they only can take something from us if we allow them too.

Most people never succeed because they allow others thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and emotions wash over them. Because it gets hard or difficult they stop instead of keep going.

If you give up and quit, because of other people, you’re the only one that loses in the end. Why allow others to steal your peace, your joy, your happiness.

Why not shine brightly, and be happy regardless of what is happening in the world. Of course there are many people suffering in pain in the world. We can help them to a degree, but we can never go backwards because someone else disagree’s or holds their opinion.

Casting judgment is really out of ignorance on anyone’s part. We’ve all been guilty of it, and certain moment’s in time we will experience it. While the world may be filled with judge’s, really all we can do is be our best in the moment.

over 10 years ago

David Kasuba (davidmystic)

Best Of luck on your first Novel :)

over 10 years ago

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Thank you David. Alot of work! But I’m sure I will succeed! :)

over 10 years ago

LoveSizeMedium (lovesizemedium)


over 9 years ago