
Hi I need a free reading because my mom and I had a falling out over a disagreement and a misunderstanding. My dob is the 10 April 1965 and hers is the 12 July 1945. I suffer badly from gallbladder attacks. I have gallstones. She never rang once to check if I was ok or came near me even before the falling out. Her mother was hard on her to the point of barbaric and was never there for her now she treats me the same. Her former partner is not helping either. I know Mum is in a lot of pain of her own physically and has trouble coping with it. When will she contact me again please? When will we talk again? I may have to face having surgery in the future and need my mom will she be there? Will we resolve the issues we are currently experiencing with each other? I love mom a lot and hate not being to talk to her.

Thank you.

over 9 years ago