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Love Guidance
Special offer: 15 mins for $39/- & 30 mins for $75/-
$10 deal: straight 2ques/new clients only
Special offer: 15min @30$ /30min @60$
$10 deal: *NEW CLIENT SPECIAL* 8 Minutes Of Clarity
Special offer: $35 20 MINUTES ~ $75 60 MINUTES
Special offer: ⭐️ SPECIAL! SAVE $10 ⭐️ 10 min $30 ⭐️ PAST LIFE READING $60 ⭐️
$10 deal: 5 mints(for all new client)⭕Fast⭕Accurate⭕Detailed
Special offer: ⭕1st 3mint FREE⭕50% SUMMER Discounted Deals⭕Top Advisor⭕Fast✨Accurate⭕
$10 deal: 29 mins for 23 !!!FOR TODAY ONLY!!!!
$10 deal: 1 yes or no no extra details.
Special offer: 5 questions for $38, 10 for $55 general is same price as 10 qs
Special offer: $50 = 10 minutes (per minute rate thereafter)
Special offer: 40% off usual PRICE! Per Min is Sale Price
$10 deal: ❤︎ 4 mins - anything we have time for ❤︎
Special offer: ☽ 888: 8 mins for 18.88 or 18 mins for 28.88 ❤︎
$10 deal: 10 to 13 mints for next 3 days special
Special offer: $10deal 13minutes $20deal 26 minutes $30 deal 40minutes $40deal 50 mi