Advisor Lexxie

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$2.99 / minute

Psychic Advisor

Restore and rebuild your lost love affair,One call will place your mind at ease & give you the answers you seek pertaining your lifes problems Open Your Path to a Richer & Fuller Life & Awaken Your Hidden Desires ~~ FAST & TO THE POINT NO WASTING TIME OR MONEY~~

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\color As a 4th generation psychic, Being born with psychic abilities, I often "see" intimate details. I am fast and accurate. It is my intention for you to receive very clear, direct and precise information. My psychic bloodline is over 200 years old. I do not hide the truth from you. If things are not going to go your way I will not sugarcoat it. However I well help lead you in the right direction. If you do not want honesty please do not bother calling. If you want sugarcoated lies please move on. All my readings are high spirited & I enjoy making my client feel at ease with their readings.Relaxation is the key to a true reading. That is insightful & very powerful.

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  • Description

    Restore and rebuild your lost love affair,One call will place your mind at ease & give you the answers you seek pertaining your lifes problems Open Your Path to a Richer & Fuller Life & Awaken Your Hidden Desires ~~ FAST & TO THE POINT NO WASTING TIME OR MONEY~~

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\color As a 4th generation psychic, Being born with psychic abilities, I often "see" intimate details. I am fast and accurate. It is my intention for you to receive very clear, direct and precise information. My psychic bloodline is over 200 years old. I do not hide the truth from you. If things are not going to go your way I will not sugarcoat it. However I well help lead you in the right direction. If you do not want honesty please do not bother calling. If you want sugarcoated lies please move on. All my readings are high spirited & I enjoy making my client feel at ease with their readings.Relaxation is the key to a true reading. That is insightful & very powerful.

  • Experience

    I have bin running my own shop for over 30 yrs

  • Degrees & Qualifications

    I am a certified master psychic & Teacher.My spirituality, intuitive gifts and training have made it possible for me to help many people find the direction and the inner peace necessary for a happy, fulfilling life. Let me help guide you to the good life you deserve. Find peace, love and happiness

  • Languages


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