miko fox (miko)

just thought i”d post this to wish everybody on bitwine a happy valentine’s day. my heart goes out to anybody who may be lonely and feels depressed everytime this time of the year comes around because they dont have a special someone.

sure heart shaped candy and singing bears sounds like fun and all but in all truth,why set aside one day of the year when you show your love to people?. we should be letting those closest to us know just how much we love and care for them everyday. and it doesnt have to be all about commercialism. show your love by giving somebody a hug or a kiss,write a nice poem,a song,help out with chores,anything you can do to truly make them feel special and loved. and if you are lonely remember that there is somebody for everybody,you just have yet to find that somebody. the best things seem to happen when you least expect it so who knowse maybe you will find your special someone by just not looking(:

over 13 years ago

empty (jennifer.g)

Happy Valentines Day to our community!

And I agree, there IS someone for everyone, we just need patience and believe that at the right time, the right place, there they will be.

Have a great day everyone!

Jennifer Glover

Community Relationship Manager

Bitwine Inc.

over 13 years ago

miko fox (miko)

i hope you have a great day jennifer,you are an amazing person and you have done alot for me. i really appreciate it(:

over 13 years ago