Bonita (beautifulspirit2)

hi my name is renee , female , 29 years old and my birthdate september 3, 1982? I had recently lost my job and still haven’t ended up with my soulmate its been 3 1/2 yrs still single , nothings going the way it should go, my new year has started out with a shocker? i need some clarity on this please…......What’s the rest of my year going to be like? Will it be better? Will I have a better job and love success I want? I don’t know anymore,,,,,,

over 12 years ago

Jennifer Poe (psychicjennifer14)

Hello my name is Jennifer and I have offered my psychic mediumship readings since I was young. My psychic abilities were passed down to me by my mother. I started seeing things and began reading for people at a young age. My mother began keen many years ago so that is how I found out about it. My mother is an excellent psychic so I have learned from the best. Contact me I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If I am busy please drop me an e-mail to set up an appointment with me. Thanks.

over 12 years ago

Charlotte (clmoonhawk)

Hi Rene! You are entirely too hard on yourself, we all tend to be our own worst critics, but give yourself some credit. You are smart and beautiful. This can be intimidating to some men, but not all. You are strong and independant, also a plus. There is success there for you in both areas you have asked about. I would love to read for you, if I am not online, leave me a message and we can set up a time that is good for you.

Blessings to you and yours!

over 12 years ago

Adoniali (adoniali)

Hi Rene, there are things going on in the heavens that are affecting us all. Some more than others, but I can give you the reasons and path to follow with a reading just for you. Feel free to chat, or send me an email. I can help. Take care!

over 12 years ago

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

HI,Rene, I dont know where you got all that from,or why you think it isnt going ‘the way it should go’ but I would be glad to look into this for you and see what I can sense ahead for you. Blessings! Bluedragon

over 12 years ago

Priestess Kandi Ranson (priestesskandiranson)

Merry Meet Rene,

This is a year of ups and downs, but changes are abound. I am here to offer you complete Honest Enlightenment on what 2012 Holds for you.

<= Click my Name & Connect with me in Live Chat

over 12 years ago