Maura (maurae)

I feel like i’m going a little nuts, i’ve been feeling this energy of something upcoming. I have had so many signs, including seeing an owl in the middle of the day a few months ago. I see those numbers all the time, and the word twin is like constant! I’m trying to remain patient… is my true soulmate around the corner??

10 months ago

Maria Grey (visionsbypsychicmaria)

Hello Maura! Please chat with me right away, this is a sign of a twin flame approaching but also for something else and spirits say you need to take action and fight asap. Chat with me for more info, I will be glad to walk you though the whole process and everything will be fine.

Best regards!

10 months ago

**psychic white magick witch** (spiritualpsychicpaulie)

yes right around the corner literally coming soon

10 months ago

Romina's Readings Australia... (angel_messages)

This could be a sign you are about to meet someone of significance OR that you are about to awaken spiritually :)

10 months ago

Gemini Moon Readings (gemini_moon)

tbh it sounds like you’re attaching meaning to random numbers and phrases. if you really want a “sign” try asking God for a specific sign. good luck to you

8 months ago