Erika (erikalovesjerry)

I’m pregnant and I’m a very young age. I am going through a rough time, my mother is always down due to my pregnancy. I need some advice and a reading if possible to know what’s going to happen in my future and if my babies going to be alright. :/ I can’t talk online with a psychic because I have no money so I’d really appreciate it if someone could write on this forum and tell me.

Thank you!

over 13 years ago

Angel Sound (clairvoyantvision)

have a chat with me.

over 13 years ago

Erika (erikalovesjerry)

I can’t because you have to pay money for that. :/ So could you please tell me something on here?

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Dear Erika. Strangely, I can see Jerry first. He is terrified of being caught in a ‘trap’, but kind of accepts his responsibility. Don’t pressurise him, be gentle and understanding that it might be scarier for him because he isn’t physically attached to this baby growing inside you. To him, it’s like a bit of an alien. He’ll also see you changing physically and emotionally over the coming months and will need reassurance. He’ll also be feeling a bit guilty that he’s responsible and probably be having to deal with parents who are ashamed of him for putting you through this. Then I see your mum. She is down because she’s wondering how you’re going to cope. She loves you and is just overwhelmed by this. It’s early days. Mums usually pull themselves together and practical mode sets in. This will be reminding her of when she discovered she was pregnant for the first time. Babies and pregnancy issues are incredibly evocative. Funny how it’s you who is in the situation of needing support and reassurance, but quite often it’s the one who’s actually going through a difficult time who has to give it to friends and families on the outside of the experience. Now, you. You are thinking it’s all you need when you’re trying to deal with this. It should be a time of excitement and enjoyment. There’s being realistic and there’s being pessimistic. This strange thing is happening inside you and that is a miracle no matter how old you are. It is something to be treasured and looked forward to. Sometimes I personally think it’s better to have babies young. You’ll hopefully get financial help, professional support – health visitor, doctor, etc., and you’ll have the energy to deal with it as it grows up. You will still be young enough, but mature enough, to think about a career move when you’re ready. It will be hard work, but if you’re prepared to enjoy it and not treat the baby as a burden, a nuisance and resent it, then you’ll get a lot out of being a young mum. I have a young ‘daughter’ (she’s my adopted boy’s sister) who was pregnant at 17yrs old. She was determined to not let people spoil her ‘special’ time. She had post natal depression, but kept focused on the baby. She’s a good mum and can see that the baby isn’t the end of her life, just an addition to it, and I’m really really proud of her. I hope your mum will be proud of you, too. She isn’t going to cut you off for it. If she’s being negative all the time and blaming you and whatever else, don’t let her drag you down with it. Just keep your head. Google Young Mums for your area and see what comes up. There’s a lot of support out there. I wish I’d have started early. By the time I tried I was infertile. This might be your only chance to be a mum and your mum’s only chance to be a granny! These things happen for a reason. May your guardian angel always watch over you. Lots of luck x

over 13 years ago

Erika (erikalovesjerry)

What do you mean Jerry’s terrified of being caught in a trap?

over 13 years ago

jenny Fardell (garnetta)

Just the old fashioned sense of ‘being tied down’. And maybe a fear that your (and for that matter everyone else’s) expectations of him will suddenly be more demanding and will back him into a corner. He might be feeling everyone is ‘watching him’...

over 13 years ago

Erika (erikalovesjerry)

He is excited about the baby! He always talks about it. Thanks though..

Is there anything else I need to know about my future, like jobs, or just anything?

over 13 years ago