Soulmate Consultant (soulmateadviser)

New Year’s 2014 is quickly approaching, and for many of us, this is a time when we are preparing our homes and ourselves for the transition. New years is a fresh start and this is a great time to use some Feng Shui principles to help us declutter, clean up, and arrange our homes to a smooth tranisiton into the New Year. Feng Shui is all about energy – its flow (or the lack of it) and its reflection in the quality of your life What time and effort you put forth now, will reward you greatly now, so here are a few tips to start the new year.

First off, thoroughly clean your home, or office, several days before New Year’s day arrives. This will cleanse your space of all ill fortune and negative energy that accumulated during the past year. Another great tip is to take time to repair broken items, get rid of them, or replace them. Keeping things around that no longer function properly creates a stale energy and can clog the flow of abundance in our lives. But, most of all celebrate in a joyous mood. Start the new year being happy and around loved ones, old tradition goes, the way you celebrate the new year is the way your new year will be like. So be ready!

Have the happiest holidays and a prosperous New Year!

over 10 years ago