Soulmate Psychic Love Reader (soulmatereader)

New Year’s day is one of my favorite of all holidays. It is very spiritual to start a whole new year and plant new seeds for all that we want to see happening in the near future. As you start the first day of the year you want to open a fresh new energy in to the universe. We know that everything is energy all around us, constantly changing and moving forward, and like most of us we all want to be alongside the positive path, which some would call being lucky.

Like most of us (including myself), we all make sure to clean and get rid of clutter that just takes up space and create stagnate energy, bringing in the new year into our lives fresh with vitality.

Making a new years resolution is easy, lose weight, quit a bad habit, eat healthy, the problem most people don’t! It’s easy to get caught up in the mist of the world and not realize how the situations and events in our society can affect us negatively. The signs are anxiety, depression, anger, jealousy, impatience and the list is endless. Now, in this today’s world, we have many ways to connect with one another from watching the news, texting, social media to social connections and this is one of the first places that can actually encounter a bad vibe. For example we can take what we see on facebook and turn it into a negative than to view it as positive.

It’s best to remind ourselves of how important it is for us to be positive, if we want to live a happy and peaceful life, this is the main goal of life.

It’s the time of the year when you can forget your worries, forgive your enemies and find love in your heart. New year’s day is another day in the calendar. Except that the year will have changed.

You can decide to think negativity about your life in 2014, attracting this type of energy into your life or you can choose to look at the new year’s day as the beginning of a new awakening for the rest of your life… it’s your choice.

Try filling your heart with new hopes, open up new horizons that will bring you promises of a brighter tomorrow.

20 ways to start your new 2014 you right!

over 10 years ago

Soulmate Psychic Love Reader (soulmatereader)

1. Think positive. You can give in to the cynics and doubters and think that success is impossible or you can have faith and be optimistic that all things are possible.

2. Positive Statements. When you wake up every morning repeat the following statement while you get ready for work. I will stay calm and positive through the day.

3. Take a walk of happiness. Do this for you and only you, remember you are a beautiful person, inside and out.

4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are and why things are what they are Think optimistically about where you are going and that new beginnings are manifesting.

5. Eat smart and eat real whole foods. Start with breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a kid. Remember that your body is like a machine that you need to feed it whole foods, not processed. How you eat will affect how you feel each day.

6.Exercise and Physical activity Staying active is important as eating right no matter what your goals are. Staying active is vital for optimum health and vitality, try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in at least 3 times a week to stay fit and healthy.

7. Focus on loved ones. Being there for someone who is in need can be a very rewarding experience, doing good for others even if it’s simple advice or a good listener.

8. Everything happens for a reason. Always know that good things do come out of challenging experiences.

9. Don’t waste your precious energy on negativity like gossip, energy vampires, dwelling on the past, negative thoughts Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment and appreciate what you have, good comes to all those who wait and are patient.

10. Guide someone. Younger generation need guidance and not a lecture, instead try to talk it out and listen to what they have to say.

11. Karma What you give out is what you get in return. 12. Remember There’s no substitute for love.

13. Wake up refreshed. Each morning, think of everything as if you were on vacation, looking at what you need to do in your day and not looking at is a chore or a routine can make a big difference.

14. Stop being negative. Complaining is toxic and not mention people around you. You don’t want to be around someone who is complaining.

15. Read and visit a library with friends Start a new trend of reading a new book every week for 2014.

16. Getting in more sleep Try getting in at least 7-8 hours a night and try to add a few extra over the weekend, to help with day to day stress.

17. Stop stressing about things that don’t matter Enjoy the pleasures in life and not what life should be.

18. Every morning say this affirmations to your day. Improvements in my life will only begin if I stop procrastinating and start today. Start with one positive action each day. If it’s thinking towards positivity or just being positive to someone who isn’t always the nicest to you, this is creating positive karma.

19. Watch a funny movie. Laughing is a natural anti-depressants and mood enhancer.

20. Enjoy life. Take it one day at a time, things can be worst but you need to turn it around and allow the universe to take control, start each day and in 6 months you will see things in a different light, you will feel lighter and more positive.

over 10 years ago