Oona Voluspa (rainbowmagik)

Thanksgiving gratitude meditation for chakra balancing, utilizing gratitude & the Law of Attraction.

I created this meditation just for Thanksgiving to create balance & abundance for you. May you be blessed with bounty in both body & spirit!

One of the most common symbols for Thanksgiving is the cornucopia filled with harvested goodies. Our chakras are shaped very similarly to the cornucopia-being funnel shaped, and are energy vortexes through which we receive energy from the cosmos. You can think of chakras as our cosmic cornucopias with which we experience life force in an endless variety of ways. We both receive and transmit this life force energy through the chakra system. Before we can experience something in the physical plane-such as eating a delicious Thanksgiving meal- we must first create it through subtle energy with our desires, thoughts & feelings. The cosmic energy begins to enter our chakras after our first wish of ” I would like to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal”-and then filters through the various bodies of Light into the physical realm. This is how we create everything in our lives-it first begins as a wish or desire. This is one way the Law of Attraction works in our world.

This meditation will help you become more connected to working with the Law of Attraction through the chakra system, while at the same time balancing your chakras.

Please set aside a few minutes undisturbed to enjoy this meditation.

Imagine the golden light of cosmic force flowing up from the center of the earth & pouring into your 7 cornucopias/chakras. First one where your legs meet turns a bright ruby red. Second below the navel a brilliant warm orange. Third at solar plexus is a sunny lemon yellow. Fourth at heart is a healing kelly green. Fifth at throat is a bright sky blue. Sixth at your third eye is a deep dark blue. Seventh at the crown of the head is a intense violet or bright white. As it pours out of the top of your head it showers down around you refreshing your auric field, and any excess energy it absorbed back into the earth.

As the life force moves though your cornucopias, it is washing out old energy and filling it fresh with healing energy. Give thanks at each one: First chakra for your life, your food, shelter & basic needs met. Second chakra for your relationships, your pleasure in life & emotions. Third chakra for your self-power & your personality. Fourth chakra for your faith, your trust & your love of others. Fifth chakra for your ability to communicate & create. Sixth chakra for your sight & your insight. Seventh chakra for your connection to spirit.

Lastly, imagine a beautiful golden Sun shining down on you and filling your entire aura and each chakra with this brilliant light. Drink in and bathe in this glorious, glowing light, knowing it is providing spiritual sustenance for you. Take some deep breaths, and enjoy your renewed state of being!

Know that this cosmic light moving though is helping to balance, recharge & heal your chakra system now. Give thanks for all that you have, all that you are, all that you have created and will create in your life.

May this season of cornucopia & fruits of harvest bless you and yours with all good things!

over 11 years ago