empty (jennifer.g)

February 2012 Horoscopes by Melodie and Chrisalis – PART 3

Sagittarius – November 23 – December 21

You may feel like retreating into the apparent safety of home and family this month, which is not your usual style. But with a preponderance of planets below the horizon and with your co-ruler (Neptune) moving back into Pisces, you’re due for a bit of a social reprieve. Saturn turns retrograde in your house of friendships on the 7th, making you even less inclined to interact with others: this transit can slow down social opportunities as well as your desire to pursue them. This doesn’t mean you’ll be going stir-crazy. It can actually have the opposite effect. When you reduce external distractions you may discover a rich and powerful inner life that you didn’t even know existed. This is especially true between the 13th and 20th when your psychic intuition is at its peak. Use this time to rest and recharge your; it will do you a world of good.

Moon in Sagittarius: Feb 14, 15, 16, 17


Capricorn – December 22 – January 20

You’ve been working on being grounded and productive in the work place. This month you may experience a few hiccups, particularly around the 7th when your ruler (Saturn) goes retrograde and on the 15th when Venus – your career ruler – squares Pluto. The combination of these two transits can make for a frustrating period of time where you’ll be forced to step back, rethink and reposition yourself professionally. You’ve got several planets moving through your money houses, so this shouldn’t affect you financially. But it’s still not a good time to make frivolous choices or impulsive purchases. Pluto moving through your sign can make it hard for you to even consider slowing down. But it’s a good time to start conceptualizing outcomes before taking action. You’ll make a lot of progress and save yourself a lot of aggravation if you do.

Moon in Capricorn: Feb 17, 18 19


Aquarius – January 21 – February 18

You’ve got several planets (and the Full Moon on the 7th) all occupying your sign now. This is a good time for you to pull back from so many social responsibilities and to focus instead on you for a change. You’re so big on trying to help others and make changes in the world that you tend to forget to take time out for yourself. But with this lineup of planets in Aquarius now – and with Venus catching up to your ruler in Aries, the focus for you this month is going to be much less social and much more personal. Activate Venus this month and treat yourself to something related to love or beauty: a spa treatment, concert, painting, romantic get-away, etc. The idea is to do something for yourself that you wouldn’t ordinarily do, and allow yourself to relish the blessings you deserve.

Moon in Aquarius: Feb 19, 20, 21


Pisces – February 19 – March 20

This is your month, Pisces. Venus is in your sign at the start of the month and your ruler (Neptune) moves back into Pisces the 3rd, followed by Mercury and the Sun (on the 13th and 19th respectively). You’re going to be feeling like you’re more “in your element” than usual for the better part of the month. Your intuition and psychic abilities will be intensified and you should also be feeling more creative and expressive. These are strong relationship transits as well. The downside of this is that you may be almost too idealistic—which can translate to being too gullible, naïve or easily fooled. You’ll want to keep your wits about you while still actualizing the more compassionate and altruistic traits of these aspects. The key for you is “balance” as in making sure you reap the benefits without losing touch with reality.

Moon in Pisces: Feb 21, 22, 23

Horoscopes are provided by “Melodie”:http://psychic.bitwine.com/users/38919-melodie and “Chrisalis”:http://psychic.bitwine.com/users/56734-chrisalis

over 12 years ago