Soulmate Consultant (soulmateadviser)

There’s a lunar eclipse tomorrow Wednesday October 8. This Eclipse is the second

of the Tetrad of Eclipses and will be visible all over North and South America,

Austrailia , The Pacific, New Zealand and East Asia. It begins at 8:17 AM (08:17) UTC on

October 8, 2014 and the eclipse will end at 1:32 PM (13:32) UTC the same day. This moon will only last

approximately 58 minutes being eclipsed.

The Northern Hemisphere’s Hunter’s Moon on October 7-8 will be called the

Blood Moon. It is called the blood moon due to Earth’s shadows will be covering

this bright moon. Also this full moon will be going into the sign of Aries, bringing

a major focus to things such as endings, changes, and transformations. Also will

put forth fiery and creative energies.

over 9 years ago