Rosa Pearl (rosapearl)

Inheritance: More than DNA by: Cindy Lee

High school science class and health class taught us, we inherit our body’s composition such as: eyes, hair, nose, skin, defects or body types. After listening to my Shaman father and his friends talk about what aspects we inherit, it was clear we inherit beliefs, thoughts, and memories too. These attributes effect our actions and decision making, prosperity, and freedom. Now, I know your wondering how we inherit our beliefs, thoughts, and memories.

You may have heard the saying: “Thoughts are things.” The Native side of my upbringing taught me that everything has a Spirit. If enough energy is given to that Spirit, it develops a life force of it’s own. The same happens with thoughts. When enough energy is given a thought, it takes shape. Thought-forms which take on even more energy develop a Spirit, and then a life force.

Einstein is reported to have said, “Energy follows thought.” If this is true, then by handing down the statement, “Don’t ask for what should be given” takes on a whole life of it’s own. The truth of the matter if you need something, ask.

Some of my clients have shared that they believe: Spirituality and Prosperity can not co-exist. Do you have this belief? Let me share a truth with you, it is a lie. You do not have to choose between the two. The idea probably started when a class of people wanted to control another class of people. People who are prosperous are difficult to control. To control the masses or individuals, those in charge try to prevent them from becoming prosperous. This is a method that has been used for centuries and has worked. Once something has been told enough times, through the generations, it is accepted as fact. The real truth is, it was never the truth in the beginning.

Everything is energy and energy can be changed. This pertains to past events as well as future events. We the have the ability to create an energy shift with our minds and thoughts. Whether you think you can’t or you think you can… you are right!

over 9 years ago