Psychic Jessica (mizjessica)

The first card is the wasp. Hes about being anger, retaliation, jealousy. This is a warning about emotions when your get mad dont blow up a bubble because things are not turning out the way you feel from inside. As well feel the jealousy is about dont be jealous that they may have their own Christmas things before you do.

The 2nd card is the frog. They are speaking about Cleaning house, releasing emotional baggage. It seems a lot of us are learning that cleaning a house full with clutter will make us feel better and be a better person inside and out. As well be aware of you may need to spend more time outside.

The 3rd card is about partnership. This can be someone new is going to come in and be your friend this week. This will create a partnership that can be long lasting if you choice to be. As i feel like this will be the right timing for this to happen. Just cause Christmas is not that far away.

Outcome of this weekly reading reminder from the cat. To have independence, healthy boundaries. This is a reminder to have your own dependance within yourself as well make a healthy diet don’t over eat yourself cause of the HOLIDAYS.

I hope this helps you all. Blessings

If you need a session please let me know

over 10 years ago