Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

4.) Time & Space- Man made up time. If you look around the globe it is a different time all at the same time. Nothing happens on your time, or someone else’s time. While you may have deadline’s to meet, or people can place time limits on you, this a positive move you make, or they make. Time is a limit, and some times the physical time might have run out.

This can be because someone put an ultimatum on your life, or because funds ran out, or some one left, or bailed out of your life. Man says things must be done in a certain amount of time. We don’t get to always decide how long it will take for the economy to get back on its feet, or how long the country will take to get out of debt, or how long a relationship will last, or how long a job will last.

We don’t get to determine how long we have to live. We don’t know how long it takes for a baby to come into the world. We don’t know how long it will take for each person in life to learn and master their life lessons.

A 18 year old can be more mature in some areas than a 50-year-old. Age doesn’t say anything about anyone. It’s stupid when someone says act your age. I have seen 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 year olds play mind games like they’re still in high school or junior high.

It’s better to understand everyone is always at different levels learning something no matter what it is they are learning, whether it is life skills, education, sports, business, or anything else in life.

You never know what time or what moment someone will succeed or fail. Rich successful people fail at many areas of their lives, and pay the price for doing things the wrong way through their health, some times losing their finances, or being in court battles.

Just as someone may now have been anywhere when they were younger, and rise up to success later in life. Time is going to only happen, by divine timing, divine appointment, and divine order. What does that mean? Divine timing–everything happens at the right time. Divine appointment– means at a specific period of time you may meet a certain person for various reasons to get you to succeed in life. It may be a certain professor, teacher, counselor, therapist, minister, priest, friend, lover, co-worker, and you just happen to be at the right place at the right time. It may be when governments change policies, a job, or a school changes the rules and procedures.

Divine order–things may not have happen yet because everything is not placed in the right position. Certain things have to happen first. For example, You have to go to school, you have to go to college, you must have a degree in that order.

It would be unrealistic to put a first grader in college, or in a job, he’s not capable of at the moment. In relationships if you’re not ready for a successful relationship, you’re not prepared to make it work.

People use the excuse their isn’t a manual, and that is why they never succeed at parenting, marriage, family, and business. Fortunately books have been written just about everything from the beginning of time. If you really wanted the answers, you would have gone looking for them. You would seek the truth out, instead of taking someone else’s word for it.

We make up excuses, and we want to get somewhere in a hurry. We want to be married now, we want to have children now, we want sex now, we want materialism now, and money now.

It doesn’t work that way. If something isn’t working in your life it is because you haven’t taken the time to prepare yourself for it in the first place and mastered the lessons to play the game of life in all areas.

Have you learned to be a team player in your family, your marriage, on your job. Fortunately if you don’t know how to be a team player, you can’t play the game, and will be penalized.

If God has you or your significant other out of the game, it is because you both haven’t learned the rules of the game, and you both keep making the same mistakes trying to take the easy way out, not learning the rules, and entering a relationship with out mastering the skills.

Rushing into things, doing things impulsively, you are not choosing the correct timing. Part of learning to move is learning when it is time to move, time to refrain, time to say something, and time to shut up.

It’s learning when there is time to play, a time to be disciplined. A time when to discuss things, and when to back off. Everything is timing, and it is up to you to decipher when it is time to do something or not do something to get the reaction you want in life.

There is a time to stand up for yourself, and a time to fight for what you believe in, and a time to let things go, and say good-bye. There is a time for everything under the sun.

Certain moments you have control over time, and others you don’t have control at all over time. You may have to wait a long period of time, and think you’re ready, and God will still say you’re not ready, and you move forward anyway. We don’t like to listen and we like to be stubborn. We want to do things our way, even if we end up flat on our ass.

over 10 years ago