Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Depression is usually your reality in the moment. You are causing the depression to happen to yourself. You are generating thoughts and beliefs against you, and not for you. You are affirming negative messages sent to you by what you hear from other people. It is by surrounding yourself in abusive relationships of every kind. You take those negative messages and become clinically ill internalizing and taking things personally when your believing their belief system, thoughts, and ideas, this is the problem. Is this really the truth about you. You start hurting yourself because you are believing this reality. Perhaps you are depressed in the moment. It isn’t the final outcome.

Others push the depression with their negative reinforcements by giving you negative verbal pictures of yourself. Inside your mind you are rehearsing their verbal lines about how awful your are, that you are no good, and of course if someone is emotionally abusing you, or mentally abusing you, you lose your self worth, and believe they are right. You get tired of fighting and struggling in domestic violent situations. You beat yourself up with your own beliefs about yourself. You feel their is no way out, and you don’t know how to get out, because everyone around you is focused on you being emotionally ill, and so they remind you, and you keep believing this reality of you.

It is self created, by focusing on all the negative messages around your inner world. You don’t have to be depressed. You don’t have to buy into this reality. Positive thoughts, and power of belief is the answer to why you feel the way you do, and the way out of the emotional darkness. If you are pushed to the edge by abusers you will become off balance and ill. It’s a thin line. Of course you can not get better if you are surrounded by emotional, verbal, and mental abuse. Who can function in the middle of dysfunctional people that are ill themselves with their own anger problems, co-dependency, alcoholism, addictions, and a whole wide range of behaviors and disorders.

Anger is inside because you are not being heard, treated with love and respect, and your beliefs are always on trial. You are frustrated because abusers feel they need action, but push you further into the illness through their actions and behaviors towards you. You probably don’t get listened too, and dismissed. You probably are not treated with dignity.

We may feel its right to throw tantrums, or be angry, or be depressed to get attention. This just reinforces their negative messages towards you. Your actions display your behavior and whether you are making good choices or bad ones. If someone labels you with a diagnosis of depression you accept this belief, and reality. You play the victim, and your abusers fly with it, and so you are trapped in a belief. The only way you can break out of it, is by seeking the truth. Is this truly your destiny or outcome?

People will pay attention to you in a negative way. It is easy because you don’t have to take responsibility for your life, emotions, mental health, and feelings. It takes a lot of strength, character, and courage to work hard to break out of what ails you. Of course they can give you a handful of pills, and you can sit and complain about your circumstances forever. This is one reality you can accept to keep hurting yourself, taking pills, and being in an out of the hospital.

Another reality is learning to discipline your thoughts and what you focus on in the moment. You can learn that beliefs can change, and once you change your thoughts about yourself, and the world around you, your life can change. It doesn’t matter what has been done to you in the past, or what traumatic experience has happen to you in the past. It doesn’t pay to be living in a negative frame of mind. What you once experienced in life, you will not experience now in the present. Where it was once unsafe, it is safe now in the moment. Where you were harmed, this place is forever gone. Let go of the fear, and know life doesn’t have to be this way again.

Healing your past, and your heart, you learn to mend the wounds, but you first have to choose to stop being the victim, and be a survivor. While you may not want to hear it, you do choose every thought you have and every belief you have of every minute. You are just not self aware, or socially aware, or spiritually aware to see it in the moment. No one can change your mind, but you. No one can change your thoughts but you, or your beliefs. There will always be pain and suffering in the world. There will always be someone who hurts or harms you. You’re best defense is studying, learning, and growing. You’re best defense is making your psyche strong by understanding who you are, and why you believe what you do? Strengthening your mind, learning to focus in a new direction teaches you another way of living. Although it is scary to get out of your comfort zone, the world becomes brighter, more brilliant, and prosperous on the other side.

All rights reserved hattiemattiemae Spiritweaver September 12, 2013

over 10 years ago