Carla Curlee (gypsyfortune4you)

It is said that Halloween/Samhain is a very intense time spiritually speaking. The dead are more easily accessible as the veil between the worlds is lifted. Thus is the tale and one of truth for many sensitive enough to physically experience these energies! In honor of time of ‘sensitive energies’ I’d like to share a story, my own true experience about two years ago.

While I have seen Spirits since the age of 13 from what I can remember about this and I communicate with Spirits daily even now, I found myself in a rather upsetting situation a couple of years ago. To go back a bit further let me begin by saying that my Partner of 15 years passed away five and a half years ago. Her death was untimely, unexpected and intensely traumatic since she died in my arms. Everything changed in that moment. (But that’s another story!) For a long time after I was afraid, for reasons unknown to my conscious mind, to connect to her or even attempt to become aware of any presence. Over time I began to warm up to the idea and began to try and connect with her. Three years passed and I for the life of me couldn’t feel her presence with me ever. It was very upsetting and sad. I could connect to my own Spirit Guides as well as other Spirit Energies but I just couldn’t sense her in any way. I began to doubt her presence on the other side and wondered why she had abandoned me so fully not just in human form but in Spirit form as well. Then one night I went to bed very late. It was after 3:00 a.m. I went into meditation using headphones and an audio recording. I had placed a candle on the window sill positioned just behind the head of my bed. Above it hung a bamboo shade. After some time of being very deep into stillness, I heard a knocking. No one was home but me so I decided it was my imagination. It was faint and distant and so I easily blocked it out. The knock came louder then and increased to a BANG BANG BANG! It seemed to come from the window behind me, from outside. My eyes came open and all I could see was smoke. To this day I dont know why I didnt smell the smoke. The room was filled with it! The bamboo shade was smouldering fiercely. I remember seeing sparks glowing red in an area about the size of a saucer where it had been rolled up. One small flame was flickering along its edge. I jumped to my knees and pulled the shade from its hooks on the wall and quickly got it out the back door just down the hall. Once I put that from harm’s way I came back in. It was cold out but I never would have known it. I worked to get the room clear of smoke and then finally laid back down in bed. I left the overhead light on and tried to collect myself. I was laying there pondering what had just happened and what it meant. Who had done that knocking? How did this happen? I was shaking from the chaos and beginning to calm down. Suddenly, the light began to flicker and then just as suddenly went out! I didn’t move. I was shaken but not panicked. Let’s say I was feeling quite apprehensive! As I lay there I began to hear a squeaking/scratchy kind of high pitch noise. It was coming from the ceiling. Now I really was getting upset as you can imagine! The noise didnt last long before I heard a smash as if something shattered. I finally gathered my senses enough to turn on the bedside lamp. Upon inspection I saw that the lightbulb in the ceiling light was smashed on the floor. It had unscrewed itself! And now for the most amazing part of my story.. In my bedroom I kept/keep a photo of my partner, a snap shot that is stuck into the frame of a wall mirror a few feet from where the lightbulb lay broken on the floor. As I bent to pick up the mess my partner’s photo floated onto the pile and landed right there in the floor on the glass. Talk about the hair standing up on your arms, goosebumps galore! The moment was so emotional and intense. I felt her there! I knew she was RIGHT THERE with me and the sense of love, peace was so beautiful. That night I dreamed of her for the first time since her death. She has been with me since. I will never doubt again that she is still here and watching out for me!

Carla Curlee

over 10 years ago