Chrisalis (chrisalis)

for an indepth reading please contact Melodie or Chrisalis


ARIES Relationships and communication look to be in the spotlight for you this month with Mercury (after the 10th) giving you an extra advantage in communication and Venus until the 12th adding extra weight (in a good way) to your love life. Take advantage of these 2 planets and use the gifts they give you to smooth over any rough patches you are having with your partner. Later in the month as Venus joins Saturn in Scorpio you may find you are just itching to go digging around to find out something that has been bothering you for a while. If you find yourself wanting to do this it may not be the answer you find that bothers you but the effect it has on you and how you react to it. Moon in Aries September 20, 21

TAURUS At various times this month Mercury (from 10th till 30th) and Venus (from 1st till 12th) will be in your area of work making this a good time to put your head down and get on with the job at hand. However, this month is not all about work for you it is also about relationships and how they are possibly holding you back from being who you are. Venus and Saturn are both in your relationship area this month… Saturn for the whole month and Venus from the 12th onwards. When Venus comes into contact with Saturn it has the effect of pulling your emotions inwards giving you the feeling that you cannot share what is in your heart and possibly making you a bit nervous of what the other person feels about you. This period doesn’t last forever. However, while it does you may wish to explore your true feelings and question any areas that you are feeling a little nervous about. Moon in Taurus September 22, 23, 24

GEMINI Enjoy Venus in your area of creativity and play while you can because after the 12th this month may turn into being all about work, work and more work. Venus moves into your work area at that time to join Saturn (planet of hard work and wisdom). On the bright side you may find that you actually enjoy your job and want to get on with it. On an even brighter side someone at work may catch your eye and you find yourself involved in a workplace romance. With Jupiter in your twelfth house though you may wish to check this person out thoroughly and not rush into anything without knowing all the facts. You may find they hold secrets of the biggest kind and you don’t want to get burned. Moon in Gemini September 25, 26

CANCER What do they say about lucky in love? Well this month you may have the answer to that as Venus (after the 12th) comes into a favourable alignment with Jupiter currently in your sign. The effects of this are very positive. Venus planet of love and Jupiter planet of luck working alongside each other to give you a huge boost to your love life whilst at the same time making it all seem easy for you. Who could ask for more? Well from the 16th to the 22nd you may be asking for more or asking more of yourself in the form of do I really want this, is it right for me, am I happy and what can I do to change things. All, perhaps, hard questions but all with the power of Saturn backing you up to find the right answers. Moon in Cancer September 1, 27, 28, 29

LEO Mars is in your sign all this month no doubt giving you some extra energy and allowing you to get more done than you thought was possible. Around mid month it will be trining Uranus so be on the look out for life moving at a faster pace at this time and also make sure you don’t trip yourself up over something minor that could come back to haunt you later. From the 8th to the 12th Saturn may cause you a few frustrations and it is best to just sit back and watch events take their course than trying to push forward with what you want and being frustrated when things don’t go your way. This may not be an easy month for you but it sure will be an interesting one. Moon in Leo September 2, 3, 4, 30

VIRGO The sun is in your sign till the 23rd giving you some extra energy to be in your own skin and feel comfortable. Alongside this Mercury is in Virgo until the 10th. Mercury is your ruling planet so feels right at home in Virgo and also makes for a great time to do some thinking, planning and sorting through any type of communication you need to get on top of. The communication doesn’t need to be by phone, computer, mail, etc it could also be just talking something through with another and coming up with options that suit you both. Your mind will be working sharply so don’t let anything or anyone waylay you and get you off track to suit their purposes. A new moon in your sign on the 5th also helps with getting your thoughts in order and your life on track. Moon in Virgo September 5, 6

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