Dorothy Holder (clairvoyant_energy_therapies)

A tarot deck is made up of two parts, the minor arcana and the major arcana. When choosing a deck the only thing that matters is that you are drawn to that particular deck for whatever reason, we are all attracted to different things. Reading for yourself presents the challenge of objectivity, it is always advisable to seek out reputable readers for that objective perspective.

All decks come with a book describing the cards and interpretations, layouts, sometimes practice readings. If can be beneficial to invest in a good book other than the ones that come with the cards if you intend to learn more. These can give you card combinations and in-depth possibilities for the cards.

You do not need to already have intuitive prowess, as you practice with the cards your intuition will develop and ultimately will have as much influence in the reading as the cards.

The minor arcana describes in four sections the challenges of life:

cups= relationships, love, feelings, emotions Wands= Action, direction, motivation, initiation Pentacles= physical reality, money, achievements, goals swords= thoughts, mental process, rationality, intellect

These aspects cover the various areas that you will experience in any situation,relationship, or event.

The numbers relate to different aspects within the whole.

Ace, un-directed beginning or urge Two, initial drive, with awareness but without conscious direction Three, consolidating effort, early beginnings with directional influence Four, second wind, second thoughts, accountability, reality V ideals Five, meeting the challenge, facing the truth, accepting your role, potential energy, inner conflict Six, giving, recieving, opportunity, choices Seven= recognition, dominant energy, attracting force Eight= second thoughts, doubts, consolidation, ongoing effort Nine= commitment to a path good or bad, destiny,anxiety Ten= abundance, manifestation, the goal, endings

These are very minimal but give you an idea of how it goes, you can determine whether emotion, thought, achievement, or action dominate a reading, and which area of your life is being challenged right now.

The major arcana deal with the hidden energies, and follow a set story of life as we should be living it, the minor arcana tends to resonate with the actualities of what we do.

The cards of the major arcana resonate with your subconscious, your fears, your hopes, your inner conflicts etc. these are the named cards. The Fool, Hierophant, High Priestess etc.

If you have some cards you might like to try this; separate your deck minor arcana and major arcana place the major arcana cards to your left the minor arcana to your right.

shuffle and draw three cards from the minor arcana thinking about your current challenge.

place them face up. read the meanings of these cards and take a moment to see how they relate to each other and your current problem.

When you are satisfied that you have a good interpretation of the cards cut the deck of major arcana and draw a card. this card will show you the underlying thought, belief,desire, or inner conflict behind the issue. Hold a thought of what you need to resolve or cancel out the current situation shuffle and cut the major arcana pack again drawing a card this card will give you an action to help you through your situation.

Reading the card meanings from a book in no way detracts from the reading, but your interpretation can give false information if you have a strong emotional investment in the answers or outcomes. Professional readers have often studies for many years to gain the in-depth understanding of the cards, a good reader is unparalleled in the world of counselors and advisers by gaining insights without requiring more than minimal information. Cognitive Therapies require you to self diagnose to some extent and fail when the core issue eludes you.

That notwithstanding, many who get readings also like to tinkle with the cards, auras and other esoteric mysteries and to that end, having a working knowledge of the tools used can be helpful in understanding how a reader performs.

over 10 years ago