Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

Often you will seek for the answer from many clients. It becomes addictive over time, yet you find yourself confused because you have been through to many readings, and psychics.

Tarot binges can be very unhealthy, and because psychics are all at a different level they may not always interpret things the way you would like them too. For example, you may be asking about two men or two women that you like, or love. You may even just be focusing on one guy or woman when you ask the question, but what they see may not be the guy or woman you have in mind. You may be relating the information to the one you are thinking of while they are talking about the other one.

Tarot cards tell you what you need to know in the moment. While you can learn lessons from them and perhaps change some things from happening, other things you will not be able to change from happening.

The future is not set in stone, and can change like the tides, the waves are always in motion. Everything is determined on your choices, and actions. Not only by yours, but the other people as well, so the energy can change.

There is nothing wrong with getting a reading every three to six months from one psychic and tarot reader. The harmfulness comes in when you go psychic to psychic and have multiple readings. Each one has a different perspective on the situation, and every reading are keys to your life lessons. Keys to explore your fears, your insecurities, your worries, and what ever you are or not dealing with in your life.

Confusion comes from too many readings, and of course for example, they may see a man, but it can be a co-worker, friend, or lover at times if you are doing projects. They can be mistaken for a lover. It’s hard for psychics to decipher at times who the man is in your life, and of course confusion comes when you’re thinking it’s the same man you’re talking about.

There are no 100% right psychics and if they so, I’m sure they’ve made mistakes ocaisionally and are just not aware that they have.

The addiction part of getting to many readings occurs when you have to have that fix to have another reading, not wanting to make any mistakes in your life, and trying to control the outcome or situation. It may be because you want to find the right partner, the right job, and worried about finances. It might make you feel better for the moment, but some point in time you have to learn to navigate through life using your own intuition, instincts, brains, and learning to make the right choices in your life.

It is fun, and it is nice to meet tarot readers and psychics, but you have to understand that you’re only confusing yourself it you make a habit of things especially when things change moment to moment with choices that are made by parties, and the information, symbols, and even people may be misinterpreted, or confused with another person.

Try to space you readings out over a few months, and go back to the same psychic and tarot reader and tell them whether they were right or wrong. If they were, than perhaps they will be accurate the next time, and guide and advise you in the right direction.

over 10 years ago