Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

Weather it is a card reading palm reading love read etc, Depending on your situation, Getting a reading can give you a better look at whats going on, insight to what you are up against. A good reader will give you answers as well as advice on how to work on the situation at hand, You can Gain a lot from a good reading, Depending on what you are dealing with you need to figure out what type of reading you should choose, If your looking for a in depth reading on a romantic relationship. I would recommend a Twin-flame reading which is a usually a tarot card session that consist of a 22-card spread, This reading focuses on love relationships which will tell you if you are with your twin_flame or a karmic relationship and can also give insight on when and where you may run into your twin-flame also this session gives you a better look at where you are headed and the best way to encourage your partner or how to get through some of the phases a twin-flame relationship takes you through. If you are looking to gain insight on career and finance, whats to come with work and or how to balance or change things with your position or if your wanting to find out what areas to work on i would recommend a basic tarot card reading, which is a seven card spread its usually called the Career card spread or the Celtic spread which is a ten card spread. either of the spreads will give you insight to your career path which direction to head in whats to come your best options for the best results and answers to what your focus should be on,

over 6 years ago

Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

If your looking to find peace of mind with family or gain insight to family matters, Children siblings or parents etc, You’ll want to choose either a palm reading or a full life, or what i call a full life reading which includes both palms and tarot reading. The tarot reading i offer is the ten card Celtic spread followed by reading both palms (right and Lift) will be read. Which will give insight to how many siblings tell all on parents and up bringing as well as look at whats happening at the moment with you and them this session will tell you about child as well. How many how there dealing or doing things and what you can do to encourage or discourage bad/good behavior. If you are looking for tell all session my recommendation would be what i call a full life session not everyone reads this way however in my session what i call a full life reading it is a 60 min session sometimes i get carried away with time. So if your booking this type of reading please be aware it can take up to 60 mins or more, lol just have to add that in. But as i was saying you can get a full out look at the year or two ahead this session again includes both a full Celtic/ten card spread as well as both palms (lift/right palms and energy reading. So let me explain a lil on each one and what it will tell, So a tarot card reading is more based on what your focusing on when you shuffle (YES be prepared to shuffle) The tarot will pick up on your energy/s/ So that I/Reader can tap into the things you focus on. Now sometimes most of the time it will pick up more of whats happening around you the Celtic spread will tell past present and-future situations and the out come of what will be the end results. A palm reading is a personality assessment to a certain extent however it will tell us about children/family siblings/parents soulmates romantic/platonic (Yes There Are Platonic Soulmates) Your palm can also show up-coming travel or past trips and can also touch on health pregnancy children how many you may or may not have. (fyi) the lines on your palm change either with each season or every three months) However at the time of your reading you will get insight on the basic things that wont change which is family soulmates amount of siblings etc, With an energy reading we look at your chakra’s which will tell you again about the high or low levels of feelings and emotions how you handle things if your struggle in certain areas (for instance if your throat chakra is spinning in the opposite (opposite directions meaning clockwise all of your chakra’s should be moving counter-clockwise) direction it can be the cause of you not being able to speak up for yourself or not able to voice your opinion an cause you to feel in bit more insecure. that is just an example so you that you might get a better understanding on how your chakra’s work. whatever is going on you weather it be heart throat or root chakra, I will let you know which one you should work on recommend small crystal (if needed ) which is best to use i can also recommend certain types of mediation you can do on your own at home to help balance things within your chakra’s .

This is my own opinion and experience with everything listed above i hope it helps make it easier for you to make a choice on the type of session/reading you need to get the best out of or get your moneys worth. lol Always remember that each psychic/reader is not always 100% accurate. And you have free will, You can always change a situation. There is good and bad in every thing but try to get to someone that will give you insight and guidance. Never be afraid to ask questions and ask for a better understanding, and always ask your reader to give you a basic summery take a pen and paper so that you can reflect and think on what you have found out and how you can use the good or bad advice but again whatever the situation always put god first and ask him to guide you first your grounding should always come from the lord Jesus Christ he is the truth the life and the way…….

As always Love an Light

over 6 years ago