AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

As written at PRASANTHI NILAYAM Today

26th September 2017 Embodiments of Love! There is nothing bad in Creation. If some things appear so, it is entirely due to faulty vision. The latent bad feelings within create the impression that certain things are bad. Hence it is important to develop pure and loving feelings. Always be immersed in the thought of God and constantly chant His Name. Be ever saturated with the divine feeling. If dutifully followed, spiritual practices are guaranteed to remove all the contamination within you. Never indulge in bad actions, never criticise others, blame others, or accuse others. Bad thoughts pollute the air and also infect others; this is how bad vibrations spread. Hence scrupulously avoid bad company and inappropriate behaviour. Always avoid bad thoughts, inappropriate looks, feelings and actions. Instead, be ever sacred and do only good. Make every possible effort to venerate and revere the elements in a suitable manner. Your every breath must resonate the chant of God’s Name. Always sing His Glory

over 6 years ago