AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

People try to obtain peace by accumulating authority and wealth, which gives them power over others and the ability to command conveniences and comforts which will confer peace. But they quickly realise that both these paths are beset with fear, and the peace that one secures is liable to quick and violent extinction. How then can you achieve peace? Only through Love! Peace is the fruit of the tree of life; without it, the tree is a barren stump with zero value. The fruit is encased within a bitter skin, so that the sweet juice may be preserved and guarded; you must remove the skin to taste its sweetness and to strengthen yourself. The thick rind is symbolic of the six evil passions that encase everyone’s loving heart: lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and hate. Those who succeed in removing the rind and contact the sweetness within through hard and consistent discipline attain the peace that is everlasting and unchanging.

over 6 years ago