Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

We may be gaslighted many times in our lives without knowing it. Many times we have been brought up in relationships and entered relationships with other people who tend to gaslight us in abusive and addiction related relationships.

These types of relationships are usually based on fear and not love. Blame, shame, and guilt are the three major things we may experience.

When we’re gaslighted we’re taught to not trust our own intuition, gut feeling, and lose the ability to regulate our emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

We buy into what people are telling us. Many times our thoughts and emotions are manipulated by verbal abuse.

Gaslighting is a form of mental and emotional abuse. Making someone believe they’re thoughts, feelings, and emotions are wrong.

Many times the people who are gaslighting don’t understand they are gaslighting you because they are so used to the experience themselves. Other times they do it on purpose.

When you are gaslighted you may be led to believe anything you think, believe, and do is wrong, and find it hard to succeed at anything in life. You may doubt yourself and learn not to trust yourself.

The person may stay in control of finances and use it for emotional black mail. They may threaten you and use what ever is important to you, to control you in the relationship to do what they want you to do.

The person may deny saying things or doing things to make you doubt yourself and memory. The person may move things and make you think you misplaced them.

The person may blame you for everything, and side with other people, and change their tune, and be someone totally different than you thought they were. The person may victim blame you for situations and circumstances beyond your control.

They also may make you feel guilty for being you. It may feel they hate everything about your personality. This will make you feel there is something wrong with you. This is not the case. It is about them and their own painful journey and distorted perception of love.

This is something that happens every day to many people. I don’t remember in my spiritual journey ever hearing about this. We talk about confusion, but fortunately, many times we don’t understand where some confusion comes from. Some confusion does come from gaslighting.

If you’re being gaslighted, It’s important to remove yourself from the situation and find sanctuary in a more peaceful and safe environment.

When we are gaslighted we lose our emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. There is no way for you to stay healthy and whole.

over 8 years ago