Psychic Helena Louis (psychichelena)

Reaping what you sow whats it mean whats its all about lets take a look here.

There is an old saying- the elders used to say what you plant in the ground is whats going grow, Jesus say it in the bible as well you reap what you sow

So whats that mean lets look at the farmer BTW its harvest season now if you live in the country or a rural area you may have notices all those high grains and fields “CROPS” that you have been watching come up that was standing 5-6feet high have now been plowed down to bare ground and all you see is grass that looks like hay, That’s the harvest but i fast forward to what-grow

First the farmer has to plant the seeds for whatever it is that he is planting say CORN they plant it and water it make sure that the its the right temperature there is many things you need to do to keep that seed growing. For instance too much water can cause damage to the crop Weeds if not plucked can grow and strangle the wheat and utterly destroy it,,,

Okay so how does this apply to us how do we sow well we first have to discern between good and bad soil( there or people in the world that our good an do wonderful things(good soil

Bad soil is unclean and unable to grow any thing(bad people) have you ever heard the term (Bad character corrupts good judgment) well when we invest our time in people that have bad morals and make bad dissensions, I AM NOT saying bad people cant turn there life around are that you should not reach out what i mean is that if you have been trying for years to help this person and you constantly see the same path-urn that’s when you need to let go and invest in the good people plant your seeds in the ones who are in search of good things and try to discern if there good soil and you see growth but if you don’t see them trying to change then your wasting your seeds and you will not reap a harvest in fact you will corrupt your whole entire crop (YOUR LIFE) becoz sooner or later that bad seed will rise up and choke you and you may be broth to there level and lose all the harvest so be careful what you plant and what you sow and remember what you plant into any one is what you will get back.

I hope this has help someone get an idea of how to deal with negative people and how to apply it to your self

As always god blessing be upon you all

over 8 years ago