Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Empathy is something we can all lack at times. As each of us have our own challenges to overcome and they are some days when we just do not feel like being nice to others. And guess what – that is OK! We do not and can not be nice to others 100% of the time. And they are some people who will never be deserving of the “gift” of our empathy – our understanding.

So what about when it comes to a Psychic Reader / Empath ?

Do we get bad days as well ? Or are we just continually walking around the planet with a smile stretched across our face ?

Truth is as everyone else we have days when we feel we plain rotten! Well maybe not rotten but you get my drift. And yet with the kind of work we do it can be so demanding at times when we take on board the very real and at times intense energy of others. Many who come to readings are facing a difficult issue or complex life situations. It is not “as” often a person goes to a reading because they are feeling on top of the world. There is usually a question or many questions that the person is looking for insight and answers to. So this can and does at times takes in toll on a reader. I know it does with me!

In those moments it is best to take a break. Step back a while and let the excess energy go. Otherwise we simply would not be giving what a client deserves. Our undivided attention – understanding (EMPATHY) And of course when having off days and trying to read it can make it difficult to get a clear razor sharp connection to impart that insight and those answers most of us are looking for when wanting a reading.

The very same can hold true for those on the other side. (And by that I don’t mean our dearly departed) but those of us who go for readings. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in our situation that it just becomes one big blur. Emotions start going in 101 directions and before we know it we can not make sense of anything. And our ability to be there for others – to have empathy for others is greatly impaired.

In my readings when working with a client I always try to see things from there perspective. I always strive to show understanding and will never (or try not to ) judge ever. I like everyone else sometimes feel the need to lean into another and I know the same can hold true for my clients. But through this I always strive to give a sense of Self Empowerment along with as much clarity and insight as I can get in any one session. And none of the above would be possible in those times when I feel like a monkey has just decided to move into a my brain. And that’s when I switch off for a while – to recharge!

So stepping back and switching off and just “being in that moment” can and will be so beneficial for yourself and for others. We get back what we give out – it can not always be just about ourselves. But they are times when indeed it has to be about “self” Like a car battery that has run and run and run. A point will come when that battery will need a break and a re-charge or the car no matter how sleek it is – will stop working.

Find balance – take care of self – and then when your feeling clear again always remember to try give to others without expectation of getting back. And in doing so you may well be quite surprised at how this Multi Verse we are a part of will reward us.

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Psychic Dino

— Verum Semper Quaerere

over 8 years ago

Maharaani (raani)

Great Article Psychic Dino, makes for an interesting read :) X

over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

Thank you Raani :-)

over 8 years ago

Psychic Dino - The Empath (psychic_dino)

And thanks to the others of you who messaged me here about this article. Really appreciate the feed back. Feel free to add your own comments here. :)

Psychic Dino

over 8 years ago