AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

One cannot escape from disquiet as long as the fundamental ignorance persists; mere change of occupation, prompted by the desire for more comfort or the need for satisfying some passing likes will not give lasting satisfaction. It is like hoping to improve matters in a dark room by a mere readjustment of furniture. Instead if a lamp is lit, passage across the room is rendered easier even without readjusting furniture. There is no need to interfere with the furniture at all. So too, in this world, it is difficult to move about truthfully, correctly, and peacefully without knocking against some obstacle or other. How then are you to succeed? Light the lamp of spiritual wisdom (jnana)! Let it reveal the reality! That will solve all the difficulties. You may claim that you live according to dharma, but have you evaluated if your acts are done in a spirit of dedication to the Divine? If so, they will authentically be stamped as ‘dharmic’.

over 8 years ago