Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

We have a tendency to see a huge mountain in front of us. We can’t see beyond the mountain and get stuck in our thinking. We get caught in the negative emotion and negative feeling, and end up draining ourselves by focusing to much on the future.

If you stay in the”NOW” it’s easier to take one hour at a time, one day at a time, and one month at a time. When we think “Big” we’re way off in the future and distracted from what we can do right “Now”.

Focus on Today. If you make a journal and write down everything you do every hour you will see how you spend your day.

Are you wasting a lot of time by worrying about relationships, work related problems, or what someone said or did?

Usually these are distractions. The focus should be today and what you can do for the next hour.

Whether it’s playing with your children, taking a walk, going for a run, visiting the library, or an event, there’s many things you can enjoy every day.

When our thoughts are somewhere else, we miss the beauty of life, get off balance, and we aren’t motivated to do anything by dwelling on the distractions.

Give yourself a break from thinking about everyone else and what they’re doing?

What can you do today? You can cook, clean, play with your kids, visit friends, volunteer, participate in recreational activities, help those in need, and visit the elderly or sick.

You can also write a book, paint a picture, shape and carve clay, write lyrics, write poems, write a novel, write short stories, play a musical instrument and teach these skills to children or older adults.

You can go to a spa, go earthing in a park barefoot, go swimming, hiking, get a massage, get your hair cut, have someone do your make-up, and pamper yourself.

I’m to busy. What’s the hurry? We tend to want to rush things. Rush the relationship, rush the education, rush the training, rush our kids to grow up, rush our partners to hurry up and learn things or act a certain way.

We never get good results when we rush things. Things won’t always be fixed over night. Time is the best healer. Time is the best giver.

Time is the best way to be prepared to become the authentic person you want to be. Even on the job, you get an education and have to be prepared to take that position.

You might not enjoy learning and growing and educating yourself, but at the same time, it gives you skills to be productive and produce great results.

You don’t become a great hairdresser over night. You’d end up burning the hair off someone’s head if you didn’t know what chemicals to use in their hair and how long the process entails for the perfect result.

If you baked cookies in the oven you wouldn’t leave them in their for five hours, they’d be burned, and if you took them out to early, you would be eating mashed up cookies.

When it comes to love and relationships and the work environment you have to have the right skills to be effective.

Take one lesson at a time every day. If you want to learn about love, read on love for an hour. If you want to learn about parenting, read for an hour. Focus on one emotion, one feeling, one thought, and one goal at a time.

Learning Dutch. I can tell you there are a million words to learn. I have to take it in small steps or it becomes overwhelming. So I may learn a certain amount of words a day and repeat them over and over again. Over time my vocabulary builds up.

It is the same for any coping skill, life skill, educational, or work related skill. If you break things down into smaller steps it’s easier to learn, stay focused, and get good results.

over 8 years ago

Onyx Dragon (onyxdragon)

Very interesting.

over 8 years ago