AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

When you eat a banana, you have to first remove the skin; so it is with other fruits as well be it a mango or an orange. The sweet substance has to be reached after removal of the bitter skin. For Emperor Bali to be received and accepted by God, the bitter cover of egoism and power-mania had to be removed. Ignorance, maya (delusion), illusion, pride, etc. are the components of the skin. The festival of Onam comes and goes, but you are no way nearer to God. This is because while Onam is thoroughly welcomed and enjoyed, generosity, renunciation, love and the spirit of service are not given an equally hearty welcome. Take this as the Onam Message – strive to manifest, cultivate and express Love, suppressing pride and egoism, so that you win the Grace of God.

over 8 years ago