Sophea (rravenmoon)


Aries: Manage your money with firm ethics. Respect those in power but do not accept intimidation. Your ideas are rich but still need development.

Taurus: Making plans becomes problematic. Friends may let you down. Don’t rely too much on others. You can’t lose what’s not yours to begin with. Get everything in writing.

Gemini: Things are not what they seem. Keep your emotions in check. Beware of deception and illusion. Reinforce your beliefs with facts and demand the same of others. Take care of unfinished business.

Cancer: Trust your intuition more than your reason; act more on feelings than on facts. Take your time to think about your options. Tackle difficulties with enthusiasm – these are opportunities to learn. To be a winner now, don’t withdraw.

Leo: The more self-assured you are, the better things will go. Everybody’s playing to win, so be prepared for competition. Fight the need to have the final word.

Virgo: Tensions begin to mellow. Help is on the way. Slow down and relax – you’re entering a leisurely phase. Make yourself available to others, but don’t spread yourself too thin.

Libra: You’re about to be surprisingly successful in navigating extremely complex situations as you strive toward meeting some of your long-range goals. Use your intuition and treat others royally. Cooperation in professional project brings great rewards

Scorpio: Do you feel the adrenaline rushing through your veins? Now is the time to stretch yourself and test your limits. Be adventurous, daring and competitive – within limits. Success and recognition will follow. It’s an excellent time to begin new projects.

Sagittarius: Don’t get upset if things aren’t going as you hoped. Be open to alternatives and prepare for a change of plans. Think before reacting, beware of childish behavior.

Capricorn: You want what’s best for your loved ones and co-workers, and you have the strength to provide it. But you have lots to learn. If you lack information, have the determination to find it!

Aquarius: Rise above material concerns and the way things have always been. Try another avenue. Relax and rethink. Keep everything above board. Allow others to change their minds and look at new options. Contemplate, don’t agitate.

Pisces: Associates seem to be plodding along very slowly. Keep a backup plan handy in case they can’t keep up. Exaggeration is in the stars, so read between the lines. Find a helping hand in old friends and family.

over 9 years ago