Dr Sunny Marie (drsunnymarie)

There is greater insight that is creating change in the thoughts that people hold about what they are capable of doing and achieving. This will aid our society. All of society to move into a new perspective. People will be more concerned with helping each other, and this creates conscious vibration, that creates prosperity in all. What you give out you receive. This is a universal law! This change in attitude is being created by people like you and me. I work with people everyday, and I see the perspective of people adopt a new view, and thought process. They are tired of feeling powerless over there own lives. They want to change, I am helping them to do this, showing them how to understand and embrace new ideas and understanding of a better way, a healthy way to change ,and I give them tools of positive thinking , and direct them to creator. Due to internal conflicts, Nearly 80 percent of the population is trapped in extreme poverty. Food insecurity and undernourishment affect more than 70 percent of households. Over several years of conflict, there have been over 4 million lives lost due to violence, disease, and malnutrition, with an additional one thousand two hundred dying every day. These numbers could have been lessened extremely if there was an initiative by the government to do so. With reforms that would help small-scale farmers develop their land and increase agricultural production, increase the education in the country” , we all can create, and manifest, there are those who are in positions of political power that do not want this to happen. When you help people out of the dark holes they have fallen into, they become strong, and empowered by there faith, they become strong, they do not want to be controlled by others. This includes the government! This movement is getting strong, and moving in a powerful direction, this embracing of this understanding. Unlike the Western model where social history can end with the perfect marketplace or the conflict-free communist state, for the Indian, social history will always continue. Only for the individual through spiritual enlightenment can time cease and the “mind” itself (and thus duality) be transcended. Movement is intended and taking place around our world. I have research numerous sources from personal Interviews with clients, and colleagues, to Internet connections. On the Internet alone there are over five thousand supporting documentations – “From Poverty to consciousness”. I have interviewed seven clients; there is a common bond between all of them. This bond is clear; they all want to move in a direction of learning and teachings of the laws of success, along with many other untold laws. I am just one of the catalysts here to help shed some light on a dim untold truth, to a badly damaged society of people whom desperately want to know, and learn and thrive from a natural element – common laws governed by the Creator. Unalike to man’s laws. These laws never change, and they never will. This is the one reality that is and will always be, we are in extremely challenging times, and many people are looking for positive direction to bring solutions, and opportunity. The problem facing our society today is that people have come to a cross road, they can either follow the same path they have been for multitude of years, or they can change direction and move toward solutions that in the remaining years will, show them a better method, and positive as well as productive process, that can only product good results. Poverty consciousness is a learned behavior, administered in the form of repression from a government that only desire is to keep control over the masses, so they can retain there positions in there power, and finance as well. This brings us full circle,It is dysfunctional. The degree of poverty consciousness has consumed, and disabled the family unit as a whole group that can function together. A restructuring is needed. There is a new process that is needed to be put in place. The new order will provide direction and stability where there is not any now. Poverty has plagued the American way of life, and as a Native American I have seen the poison repress, and destroy many many lives, not because it is a necessity of life, because it has been formed by a constructed group of Individuals that call themselves Governing Representatives of the people. The problem that here in lies is that the only governing they do is lining there own pockets. At the cost of millions of life’s, of vulnerable frail people that have made a grave mistake in trusting in a power other then there own inner power, and that of the creator(God). That lives within every one of us. We are the people, in God we trust- That is the way it was intended to be, and will be. I to will play my part, I will make sure, I am here to help you take your place in the movement of your prosperity! God bless. I am here, for one purpose only…You! don’t Wait!Call Now! Warm Regards Dr Sunny Marie

over 9 years ago