Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

How productive are you being in your life at the moment? Are you wasting time watching to much television, arguing, fighting, focusing all your energy on negative things. Are your partying, hanging out, having a good time, and not disciplining yourself to achieve your goals?

Are you wasting time surfing on the net and playing in video games, chat rooms, forums, instead of learning new skills, training, self-educating your self and taking action to improve your relationships, finances, job or business?

We can waste a lot of time getting stuck in negative people’s energy and drama in life.

We can mope about it for hours, days, weeks, and months at a time. That focus on negative things prevents you from taking action in your life and being successful. We can do a whole lot of doing nothing to improve our situation by no learning to focus our attention to where it needs to be in the “Now”.

We spend a lot of time and energy trying to steer someone else’s life while it’s difficult enough to steer our own life.

Take your focus off everyone else, and pay attention to where you’re headed in life in 2015.

There’s always that day when you look around you and everyone else is successful, and you wonder why you’re still in the same place.

What are they doing differently?

While we like to focus on others and what they’re doing and saying, and sometimes adding to the drama, there’s always someone else in life that is directing their energy and focus on what brings them success.

One of the hardest lesson in life is learning to focus on your own issues, problems, and finding solutions. Focus on the goals and what you need to do to get there.

If you’re energy and time is spent on trying to steer other people or control situations, you’re not learning what you need too, to produce results in your life.

You can’t be successful if you’re not doing something to get there whether it’s relationships, jobs, business, or finances.

over 9 years ago